Solar Alignment 2020
Selections from 2020. Every 11 years the sun completes a solar cycle of calm and stormy activity and begins a new one. How To Witness Astronomy S Once In A Lifetime Planetary Alignment On December 21 There is what some are heralding as a great celestial alignment in 2020a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn which is called a great conjunction. Solar alignment 2020 . But the most spectacular alignment occurs after sundown on December 21 2020. Regulus will be about 8 degrees to the lower left of the Moon as evening twilight ends at 853 pm. By Susanna Kohler on 22 December 2020 Features. After sunset on December 21 2020 Jupiter and Saturn will emerge brilliant and extremely close. According to forecasts on July 4 2020 a rare and unique planet parade will occur. Alignment of the Solar System. October 29 2020 CAIRO The solar alignment where the sun illuminates the face of the statue of Ramses II is considered a major event in Pharaonic history and holds many secrets of t...