The Ocean Floor
The ocean floor is literally the floor of the ocean. The hardwood floors exposed rafters and. Ocean Floor Britannica The Ocean Floor. The ocean floor . We know very little about the deep ocean floor and the life it holds due to the depth and the difficulties this creates for scientists. Here are 15 crazy facts about the ocean floor. Displaying top 8 worksheets found for - Label The Ocean Floor. Gradually as metals precipitated out of the sea and water within the sediment the tooth became coated in. When youre looking for an exciting experience visit The Ocean Floor. The ocean floor has the same general character as the land areas of the world. Abyssal plains are the extremely flat and featureless plains of the deep ocean floor. Exploration of the seafloor and the Earths crust. In fact it has been said that we know more about the surface of the moon than about the deeper ocean trenches. From land the ocean all looks the same. These sea-floor charac-teristi...