Climate Change Is Fake
10 Reasons To Prove That Climate Change is a Hoax. President Donald Trump announced that the United States would withdraw from the Paris Agreement on climate change because it is a bad deal for America. Another Failure To Tackle Fake News About Climate Change Grantham Research Institute On Climate Change And The Environment The top performing content around climate change. Climate change is fake . Weve also seen the debate around the climate crisis continue its an incredibly divisive topic. Climate scientists forced to admit global warming actually was a hoax all along. Lets get into the data. They are fully intended as such and should not be taken seriously as news. Fake News Week 2020 wouldnt be complete without exploring mis- and disinformation around climate change. For instance deniers love pointing to 17th century Dutch oil paintings as proof of a mini ice age of all things because they often depicted frozen lakes. They were predisposed to arrive at that con...