The Hive Movie
March 2 2021. The Hive has quickly become one of my favorite horror films of 2015. The Hive 2008 Film Wikipedia Director producer and co-writer David Yarovesky Ghild 2011 A Funny Thing Happened at the Quick Mart 2004 A Vampiric Love Story did an incredible job making a screenplay that has been seen several times his own with his unique touch. The hive movie . Directed by Blerta Basholli. A young man suffering from amnesia must dig deep into the far reaches of his mind to remember who he is and save the love of his life before a virus that has infected him takes over. The Hive 2015 is an American sci-fi horror thriller film that has nothing to do with its title or maybe it does but I just do not see it. As a main plot point Im pretty sure zombie hive mind girlfriends are science fact not fiction. Die Erzählstruktur von The Hive ist völlig Konfus und man kann der Handlung nur schwer folgen. Sixteen-year-old Xtra Keys hopes to raise his son better than his boozy razor-edged m...