Homeless In Spanish
F Alaska has a higher percentage of homeless. What is the translation of homeless in Spanish. Tipical Spanish Homeless Photograph By Aurelio Bello Refers to person place thing quality etc. Homeless in spanish . Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary. Muchos de ellos quedaron sin hogar sin cónyuges o con hijos que cuidar. Calle sintecho mendigo persona sin. Many were left homeless without spouses and with children to care for. To make homeless gen dejar sin hogar. Vagabundos vagabundas nmpl nfpl. The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Subtitled B-Education for Homeless Children and Youth reauthorized in January 2002 ensures educational rights and protections for children and y ou t h experiencing homelessness. Indigentes n común pl. Dar dinero y una palabra amable a una persona sin hogar. Translate homeless in Spanish. See Also in Spanish. Give money and a kind word to a homeless person. To be made homeless quedarse sin hogar. ...