Man Made Meat
If we were designing a healthy and cost effective system of protein production from scratch now animal agriculture would not be considered. For lab-grown meat start-ups going after 50-per-pound. At Least It Tastes Of Meat World S First Test Tube Artificial Beef Googleburger Gets Good Review As It S Eaten For The First Time Daily Mail Online Technicians collect stem cells from the tissue multiply them dramatically and allow them to differentiate into primitive fibers. Man made meat . Producing meat is highly inefficient. By dissecting the muscle cells individual cells can be removed and cultured. Meat is composed of a stable set of ingredients. The cells are left to multiply by more than a billion times producing muscle tissue that will then be used to make burgers. The proper response for almost the entire population of planet Earth to these eternal questions about man-made meat is I am not qualified to render an opinion on this matter. Sometimes it was a big hunk of life ...